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Modelling Software Can Find Brewhouse Energy And Water Savings Of USD 100,000 A Year

In a world where everybody is trying to find ways to save energy and reduce their carbon emissions, understanding where and how you can make a difference is critical.

As you know, making beer requires using lots of energy and water, producing a significant amount of carbon. But that doesn’t mean significant energy savings cannot be found within the brewhouse. In fact, efficiencies are possible at no extra cost and with no compromise to the quality of the brew. Let us explain.

IFF teamed up with Briggs, an expert in brewhouse equipment and a company that really understands the energy and heating demands of the beer making process. By modelling the mashing process and evaluating different scenarios within the brewhouse, we are able to calculate and demonstrate real energy and water savings that could be made. By making simple changes, such as temperature and water content adjustments, our customers could make savings of up to $USD 100,000 a year, based on a yearly production of 1 million HL, even in brewhouses that are performing well.


The modelling software shows you exactly where energy can be saved, and also provides a calculation for the associated carbon dioxide savings equivalent in the brewhouse – perfect for businesses setting out on their sustainability journeys.

Customers can benefit from our team of passionate and expert master brewers who walk you through the brewhouse to identify the process adjustments that can be made to deliver the best economic value. By comparing scenarios – with varying mashing conditions, raw materials and the use of enzymes – beer makers have the tools to decide whether the savings are worth making the changes.

Check out this video that explains how the software can help your business. Click here.

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