Privacy Policy



Online Advertisements:

Brewer World Pvt. Ltd will accept Advertisements to be published on its website and its hard copy publication  on the terms and conditions set out below.

  • Materials for any Advertisement (whether print or digital) must adhere to Brewer Worlds technical specifications and be delivered to Brewer World within the indicated timeframes, each as set out here. When Brewer World builds digital Advertisement units on behalf of the Advertiser, the Advertiser must provide assets in accordance with the requirements set out in Brewer World Digital Advertising Production Format Guide here. Note: The reference to “units” and “assets” to be defined otherwise it does not make any sense
  • Brewer World may, without any liability towards the Advertiser, reject, cancel or require any Advertisement to be amended that it considers unsuitable or contrary to these Terms or any of the Advertising Laws in force in India and remove, not print, suspend or change the position of any such Advertisement. Brewer World may refuse to publish any Advertisement for any Advertiser who has not paid any sums due on invoices raised for any advertising carried out in any of the hard copy publication or the Website of Brewer World. The Advertiser will remain responsible for all outstanding dues notwithstanding the action taken by Brewer World as reserved above
  • The publication of an Advertisement by Brewer World does not mean that Brewer World accepts the contents or endorses any of the Advertisement published by it in any of the hard copy publication or the Website belonging to it
  • Brewer World and its service providers will only use the advertising material provided by the Advertiser solely in relation to the Advertiser’s particular advertising campaign. All such material provided to Brewer World will be used only the purpose of Brewer World complying with its obligations under these Termsand will not be combined with information collected from other sources or other advertising material and such like


The Advertiser warrants and represents to Brewer World that:

  • all information in the Advertisement material provided are accurate, complete, true and not misleading
  • it has obtained the consent of the person whose name or image (in whole or in part) is contained in the Advertisement
  • the Advertisements are legally compliant to be used and are not contrary to the provisions of any applicable law, regulation or code of practiceand all other codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority and are not libellous or obscene and do not infringe the rights of any person including any person’s intellectual property rights
  • the Advertisement will not be prejudicial to the image or reputation of Brewer World, and does not contain anything offensive or otherwise inappropriate
  • all digital Advertisements submitted for publication online will be free of any viruses, adware, malware, bit torrents, and no Advertisement will cause an adverse effect on the operation of the Website
  • The Advertiser fully indemnifies Brewer World from all investigations, claims, fines, losses, damages, costs (including reasonable legal fees) expenses and liabilities arising as a result of any breach or failure to comply with any of these Terms and/or the use or publication of the Advertisement by Brewer World in accordance with these Terms and breach of any of the warrants and representations provided as above



  • All Advertisements are accepted on the basis that they will be paid for at the prevailing rates set out in the rate cardon the date of publication. Brewer World may change its rates at any time by publishing the modified rates here. Any changes to the rates will take effect immediately. However, any changes to the applicable rates will not apply to any orders made prior to the date of such change
  • All sums payable to Brewer World should be made in accordance with Brewer World’s Financial Terms & Conditions

Cancellation& Refund

The cancellation period for all online Advertisement regardless of duration requires 30 days prior written notice, and refund will take 15 working days.

  • The minimum notice period for cancellation by the Advertiser is 30 days unless agreed otherwise by Brewer World at its sole discretion
  • The Advertiser may cancel an Advertisement provided that notice in writing is received by Brewer World within the relevant cancellation period
  • Cancellation will only be effective on confirmation by Brewer World on receipt of notice from the Advertiser

No refund will be made on cancelled, withdrawn, rejected or otherwise modified advertisement as reserved in favour of Brewer World unless otherwise deemed fit by Brewer World.

Paid Subscription:

The Brewer World subscription plan is set to automatically renew at the end of the monthly or annual billing period as chosen by the Advertsier. The Advertiser can cancel the automatic renewal by giving Brewer World one month notice of its intention not to renew prior to expiry of the paid period The Advertsier also has the right to reactivate the  Brewer World subscription at any time by making the payment as required.


Please note that all free Brewer World trial availed without supplying billing information will expire at the end of the indicated trial period with no further action needed.