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UP Microbreweries & Bars Get The Green Light, Beer Takeaways to Start Soon

After being forced to temporarily close for three months, microbreweries and bars in UP can now finally sell existing beer stocks that would have otherwise, run the risk of being expired. As per the latest order issued by the UP state government, microbreweries and beer bars will finally be allowed to offload their existing stocks either as takeaway or through other MRP retail vends.

According to a Ghaziabad excise department source, the beer will be sold in 500- ml or 1-litre bottles. While this was much-needed to help divert stocks that have been untouched since the lockdown, it remains to be seen how much this will actually benefit the microbreweries and restaurants who have incurred severe losses on account of India’s COVID-19 lockdown. Will sales pick up now that beer is allowed to be sold as takeaways? Retailers too, would have to be engaged at a share of the profits whereas pre-COVID times, microbreweries and bars used to charge a premium over MRP. So how will these outlets cover their losses? Will UP follow Maharashtra’s footsteps and make selling of beer through growlers permanent too?

Tell us what you think!

Source: ToI