Byg Brewski is Losing its Appetite for Social Media-Addicted Customers

FOMO is a modern-day catchphrase and an abbreviation of “Fear Of Missing Out”. It’s defined as having anxiety over the thought that others around you are experiencing something major that you’re not and that, your experiences fall flat as compared to theirs.The grass is greener on the other side of the fence: remember hearing that sometime during your schooldays?

Well, the beer-drinking experience is definitely not getting any better and Byg Brewski has had enough.

Committed to their vision of crafting memorable experiences, Byg Brewski has introduced #NoFoMo, a concept designed to encourage their guests to focus on social connections when visiting the microbrewery, not social media.

How does it work?

Upon arrival, guests are offered the option to dine at a designated #NoFoMo section that’s loaded with board games, icebreaker cards, scribbling pads and stationery and even a telescope! The only catch? You’ve got to leave your phone on silent mode inside a bag on the table. In case you absolutely cannot avoid engaging with your phone, you may step outside of the section for a brief moment, so as to maintain the sanctity of the initiative. Guests will also be rewarded an additional 10 percent discount on their food and soft beverages bill for cooperating.

Spread across 1.5 acres, seating 2000 people at a time, Byg Brewski is Asia’s largest brewhouse and has about 16 varieties of beers on tap at all times! Enjoy lazing by the side of a pristine, serene pool, while sipping on your beer. Keep a lookout for the ‘Dunkelweizen’, ‘Black Lager’, Tripel, Smoke Lager and Rauchbier. For food, try the Dumplings, Pot-roasted Chili Pork, Wasabi Peas Jhal Mudi, Beef Shakhasta, Teriyaki fish, or their signature Nachos!

Venue: Byg Brewski, Sarjapur and Hennur
Time: All working days



Editorial-Brewer World