Commercial Beer Bira 91 X Svami For Cucumber Flavoured Kölsch

Bira 91 X Svami For Cucumber Flavoured Kölsch

India’s favourite home-grown brands bring a refreshing new brew to the Bira 91 Limited Release...

Microbrewery Freshly brewed flavours of Chaos

Freshly brewed flavours of Chaos

Godless is a 4 piece death metal band based out of India that have taken...

Education & Jobs What’s the difference between IPA, Double IPA and Triple IPA

What’s the difference between IPA, Double IP...

(Source: Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times) India Pale Ales are extra hoppy brews whose...

Microbrewery The Story Behind Blueberry-Vanilla Cream Ale: Shakesbierre Brewpub’s Most Exotic Beer

The Story Behind Blueberry-Vanilla Cream Ale: Shak...

Over the past three years of their existence, ShakesBierre Brewpub & Kitchen in Bangalore, has...

Microbrewery Hapi Beer Launches Its First Restaurant In Bandra

Hapi Beer Launches Its First Restaurant In Bandra

Be It A Hapibeer Or A Hapimeal, There’s Something For Everyone At Hapi Beer! With...

Microbrewery Gateway Brewing Company Launches Hoppy Lager To Ease The Pain Of Our Interim Weather

Gateway Brewing Company Launches Hoppy Lager To Ea...

To deal with this changing climate, Gateway Brewing Company has brewed something that favours both...

Interviews Brewer Talks: Beer doesn’t make you fat: George Jacob

Brewer Talks: Beer doesn’t make you fat: Geo...

This interview is a part of Brewer Talks, a continuing series of interviews with the...

Conclave A Roadmap Of Brewer World Conclave 2022

A Roadmap Of Brewer World Conclave 2022

Being a one-of-a-kind, beer-centric and industry specific media house, Brewer World has the power to...

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