Brands & People Bira 91’s Mysuru Brewery Becomes India’s First Net Zero Brewery

Bira 91’s Mysuru Brewery Becomes India’s Fir...

This move accelerates Bira 91’s ‘Mission to Zero’ initiative; to become India’s first net-zero beer...

BW Exclusive Sudhir Jain, SVP of Manufacturing and Sustainability at Bira 91 on ‘Mission To Zero’ Campaign

Sudhir Jain, SVP of Manufacturing and Sustainabili...

Bira 91 has stepped up with its sustainability efforts that will have a demonstrable, measurable...

Commercial Beer Bira 91 Unveils “Mission To Zero”

Bira 91 Unveils “Mission To Zero”

Bira 91 Unveils ‘Mission To Zero’ on Earth Day 2022, the path to Net Zero...

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